Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ahoy! Sailor Shorts

I made Evie a pair of shorts for the first time a few days ago! I have never made her pants or shorts, i've always been intimidated of all that sloping and whatnot but it was actually fairly painless! 

I used Kelly from Sewing in No Man's Land's tutorial for good looking pants and shortened them. I love her instructions for faux pockets! It was really easy and I think it looks real! I made a sort of piping (I say sort of because really all I did was fold a strip of white broadcloth in half) and sewed it onto the front of the faux pocket to give it a little contrast. 

 I would definitely recommend trying her tutorial but whatever you do don't go all crazy and think you could just sew the fronts together, then the backs together and then sew them together. Nope. Do it her way, trust me! It's much easier!
 We took the shorts for a test run in the emptied inflatable pool. We then decided that Evie was ready for it without the shorts, so I changed her into her swimsuit. Ignore the flip flops that don't match please. ;)

I hope you guys are all having an awesome summer! I don't know if it's the heat or pregnancy but I have seriously lost my sewing mojo lately. Ya know where you walk by your sewing machine, awkwardly avoiding eye contact because you don't want to make it obvious you haven't talked in a long time and then you'll have to ask about the kids but you don't remember it's kid's names so then you'll just be embarassed....and then you'll have to fumble through excuses as to why you don't talk anymore.....what? Am I the only one who considers my sewing machine another person? Yeah i'm that crazy sometimes. Thanks for reading anyway! ;)

Have a great week everyone!! XOXO


  1. ADORABLE!! Evie is a fabulous model, she wears the clothes you make for her so well. How is the pregnancy going?
    Missing U!!

  2. very, very cute!!! Both the model and the shorts.

  3. Very cute little shorts- love the details!
