Monday, June 27, 2011

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag

Hi friends!

I started getting really sick of the bag I've been toting around lately. It's huge, which was great for when I had a younger baby but now it's a little unnecessary and I was in the mood for something fun and summery. So when I saw The Little Apple Seed's anthropologie bow bag knock off I decided to give it a try. I had a few hiccups as this was only the 2nd bag I've ever made, but I really like how it turned out!

I even got a compliment on it today which made me feel good because ya never know when you like something just because you made it and it's not that great right?!? Anyone else have this problem??

I used some red gingham I had sitting around for the outside and lined it with red broadcloth. I wanted the bow to contrast so I used white. I don't know how long it will stay clean, but that's the beauty of fabric. Just throw it in the wash! I added a gingham pocked to the inside for my keys and cell phone since I can never find either.

I would definitely say I learned some things from making this bag. First of all, tuck your straps inside the bag when you are sewing the lining and outside together! I made this mistake and realized the straps were tucked safely inside the bag...which wasn't helpful! Also I would recommend either using interfacing for the bow or a heavier weight fabric. I had to tack it in place in a places to keep the bow spread out. And the last thing I would suggest is sewing the bow to the outside before you sew the lining and outside together. I did it afterwards like she suggests but you can see my stitches on the inside of the bag and it bugs me.

Overall it was a good tutorial and it makes a cute bag! Hope you are having a wonderful (and crafty) summer! Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. You did a great job! I have yet to tackle my first tote bag, but you've inspired me to make that happen soon!

  2. I liked your green bag :) but this red one is super cute!!! The prego belly is adorable 2.

    MISS U!!!!

  3. Cute Bag! Come and join our link party:
