Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peasant Top Refashion


I'm interrupting work on the Ruffle Collar Dress tutorial to show you guys a super quick naptime project I recently whipped up. I stumbled upon this tutorial on Made By Lex and suddenly decided to drop everything and make one! My husband has a bunch of these button down shirts that he was going to throw out but I think they make really cute peasant tops! Have any of you tried this?

 Don't mind me, i'm super awkward in pictures for some reason. Then there's the fact that this shirt is pulling on my stomach. Here's the breakdown:

Basically, I've got the 2nd trimester "Is she pregnant or just kinda chunky?" look. Remember that? I'm all in between clothes. Anyway I think this will be very cute when i'm back to my not-so-pregnant self! If you haven't tried this I would definitely recommend it! It only took me 1.5-2 hours and that was while talking to my mom so I probably wasn't completely focused!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're having a lovely week!


  1. Very cute! Yes, I remember that in between look. Then I also remember the holy hell is that chick pregnant look, too. LOL

  2. Haha 20% Mexican food! :) you look great! Love the shirt :) you should make some cute maternity tops!

  3. hey taylor, this is super cute! i love refashions- like love, love. :) ive never had a baby and i have the 2nd trimester look going on, dont feel bad! i do refashions on my page too :)


  4. You are so creative! Made by Lex does amazing things and yours turned out perfectly! Love the belly breakdown :)
