Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bib Embellished Onesies

Are you sick of bibs on things yet? Sorry, this is the last one for a while…I think!

I’ve got a baby shower tomorrow for one of my friends. This is her 4th child so she’s pretty well covered in the baby items department, but I wanted to give her something personalized that just says “I made something especially for you”.

I bought some onesies, grabbed some fabric scraps and got to work! The second one went a lot smoother than the first! I had forgotten how hard it is to sew embellishments on something that’s already been sewed down the sides! It was all I could do to not sew the front of the onesie to the back!

I traced the front neckline onto my bib fabric so it would lay pretty close to the neck, and then just drew out a bib shape and cut it out in half so I had 2. Then I sewed right sides together and leaving a little hole opened, flipped it right side out so I wouldn’t have to worry about pressing it under all the way around. Ya know what I mean? Then I sewed the buttons on the bib (before I put in on the onesie) so that I didn’t have to sew them through the onesie and have scratchy thread on the baby’s chest.

For the ruffles I just made fabric tubes and gathered them and sewed them down. I will tell you that the second onesie went sooooo much better when I used fusible interfacing (I think this was pellon, the ones you can buy on bolts) I just used the interfacing to secure the bib and then sewed the ruffle, catching the bib at the same time. I would definitely recommend this! 

Anyway I think it turned out pretty cute! I know everybody doesn’t like their baby girls with poofy ruffles all over the front, but I do and my friend does too! I hope she’s happy with them!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!


  1. They are so cute! Your friend will love them!

  2. That is adorable! I'll have to make this for my little girl :)

  3. Adorable! You did a fab job! Your friend is a lucky girl!

  4. I love it. I'm never sick of GIRL or ruffles. Thanks for stopping by!

